In “NEWS” [‘NEWS/SECTION’ Posted since 2009] you will find the latest news, most of the time absurd if not mad, exposed in a perspective as no others would dare nor even attempt. Could it be that we are living in the days of absurdity and madness? All this we explore objectively and with no inclination toward one side or the other, whether concerning this MONDO CANE (this World), or CHRISTIANITY, the Churches or Mosques, for we include all the denominations that sprouted out of HER, CHRISTIANITY that is. We sponsor National and World News with the “new term” created here: “entera no media, whole not half”. The known terms of “fuentes de informacion/information sources”, which is called “the media” in general with subdivisions like “social media”, that we call here “sucial media” are not applied in queeslaverdad.com, for we sponsor “the entera” and “social entera”.
[FEBRUARY 28, 2025] ELABORATE: ''Can you explain, elaborate on the word 'oddity', Felix, for that word has been prominent on 'sucial media/half' some days ago, so you have an opportunity to place your 'granito de arena, no de sal' please, and maybe the 'Magadonians' are able to learn something if their brains are not completely shut off yet?'' ''Most definitely, you know that I am here to help, especially those that show brain damage regardless of how they got it, the brain damage that is. 'Oddity': A strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait/. Synopsis: A Kaya Walker, a teenager herself, talks about another teenager, in this case a Barron, as an 'oddity', what is not clear, maybe for the 'Magadonians', which Barron is this Kaya Walker is alluding to, Barron’s Magazine or any other Barron out there. And since we are at it, the word 'oddity', would you give me extra time to expand on it, 'oddity' that is, Mosca?'' ''Most definitely too, but be careful, these two, Walker and Barron are, again, young teenagers, you know, are 'skulls full of mush', ain't nothing wrong with that, we were one of those, what, six decades age more or less, Felix.'' ''Most definitely to you too, Mosca: 'Oddity': A strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait. Who could that be now days, even at this very hour, in the most 'strange and dangerous' form if not Convicted Felon [Criminal] president Donald J. Trump? Well if I have to answer that question would be the 'Magadonians'!'' ''Whoa, Felix, that’s an excellent exposure of your teaching capacities as a professor of History, though retired and without tenure. But do not let me interrupt you, hit them with your best shoot!''
ELABORATE: ''Well, what could be a greatest sign of 'oddity' than close to 'Eighty Million' voting for a 34 Convicted Felon [Criminal] for president of the U.S.A., a.k.a. the Yunaites or North America, Mosca?'' ''Well, Felix what would you call the sum of Seventy Five Million that voted against the 34 Convicted Felon [Criminal] for president and the Ninety Million that stayed home without voting, then, Felix?'' ''Well, Mosca, you have to separate them, otherwise you’re making a 'humongous enchilada' Yankee’s style in which everything can be dump in or out, according with the flavor that is wanted at the very moment. At any rate North America have zero proper cuisine, however, close to 80 million of the 'oddity class' despises the great variety of emigrants but they loved their cuisine. It is not just the 'Oddity' of his particular case, it is their state craziness, the Magadonians that is! Just look at them, from the politicians, millionaires, billionaires, to the hillbillies all around the Bible Belt and beyond: When ''Trumpetilla'' calls Mr. Volodymyr ''Gideon II'' Zelensky a dictator and the 'Magadonians Bucketheads' applaud hysterically, please, do not anybody tell me that 'this crowd is not a very dangerous oddity', to say the least. Trump should know that Mr. Zelensky is a person loved all around the World, contrary to him, Trump that is, who is not much loved.''
ELABORATE: ''Well, let us get back to where the rubber meets the road, Mosca: The Benefits for all after the ''The Great Transition'' from the current maximum 'Corrupt Political System' to the 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. How the 'barbershops and beauty shops' 'communications-industry complex' is operating, and you know what I mean. Has a wave of postcards are inundating the neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities 'above the fruited plain' and 'from sea to shining sea' as we speak, yet?'' ''Well, according to the statistics provided by our 'webpage host' we are one of the tops, yeah indeed, Felix, we are having 10 times as many visitors as before, even without participating in any of the 'sucial media'. I guess they call the increment in numbers of visitors to queeslaverdad.com an increase of tenfold.'' ''Well, that is a very good news, if is there any to report, Mosca, so continue elaborating.'' ''Hunger in America will be no more, another important benefit of ''The Great Transition'', because, yes Mosca, there is hunger in America, not just around World! Yeah, let us keep elaborating on how to increase the participation on this campaign by more people, a campaign not commenced by any politician, and that sound good, but we hope that down the road some of them, the politicians be part as well, 'porque no conviene dormirse an los laureles', the advance never should stop, today tenfold, tomorrow hundredfold, next week thousandfold. The 'barbershops and beauty shops' postcards campaign should be just the starting point!''
ELABORATE: ''Again, what it needs to be written in the 'Postcard', the complete text: 'Dear Friends: Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. Return Address: queeslaverdad.com; altogether simple and easy, and don’t forget to place the Stamp!''
''SHOULD WE TAKE A 'RESPIRO', Felix?'' ''I think is a good idea, Mosca, we are not 'two spring roosters', on the contrary, we are two old 'fardos' in the need to take it easy, easy like Sunday morning, and I think our sober and wise readers will understand. However, what about a little music, 'la concurrencia libre' most likely are missing some musical notes and with a correspond cantata.'' ''That’s a great idea, but this time will be appropriate 'un tema espiritual' so the 'Magalomaniacs' could celebrate the ascension of reverend Paula White to the White House faith office led by the same Paula White. It is a very important moment to protect Freedom of Religion, but behold, attaching to it Freedom from Religion, otherwise freedom of religion means 'basura', isn’t it, Miss White?''
MŪSICA & CANTŌ MAGISTRŌ: ♪♪♪LA PATRULLA ESPIRITUAL♪♪♪ ♪Coqueto♪♪ ♪¡Uah-uah!♪♪ ♪Ahí viene, ahí viene la Patrulla Espiritual♪♪ ♪Agárrate fuerte Trump, que vas a volar♪♪ ♪Agárrate fuerte Vance, que vas a volar♪♪ ♪Ahí viene, ahí viene la Patrulla Espiritual♪♪ ♪Agárrate fuerte Musk, que vas a volar♪♪ ♪Agárrate fuerte Putin, que vas a volar♪♪ ♪Stop, I’m running out of ink fast!♪♪♪/. SORRY, but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it! And ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay!!! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté! ¡Viva La Libertad de Religión & Freedom from Religion! ♪♪♪We Shall Overcome All Religious Forces Around The World Peacefully♪♪ & ♪We Shall Overcome the Criminal and Brutal British/American Global Financial System Peacefully♪♪♪/. Viva the Last Best Hope for America first and next for the entire World: The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/. [We aren’t done…, even though the road to Fascism under Trumpón [superlative of Trumpín per our own Spanglish Dictionary] and his supporters will be short) [We shall return in a jiffy, well…, soon enough (*If the Lord will/Si el Señor quiere] [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?]
[FEBRUARY 20, 2025] ELABORATE: On the 'barbershops and beauty shops'. ''We’re going to continue to propagate the 'message' of Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'.'' ''To whom and where do we find 'barbershops and beauty shops', Mosca?'' ''Well, Felix, clearly the post card should be sent to our favorite 'barbershop and beauty shop' where we regularly go. Again, with a return address, preferable ours, queeslaverdad.com for at least the next 12 months, so we make an impact, remember that people need to inform by themselves what it’s all about. Second, the yellow pages, but they are gone with wind together with public phones, I miss both, don’t you, Felix?'' ''Yes, Mosca, it was the best way to have a private conversation without AI, American Intelligence, listening, that’s why we both do not own 'smartphones', and not just because we’re already smart enough, carrying it around and facilitating evildoers and what not where anyone can be found, no joke, Mosca!'' ''The Internet, by searching for 'barbershops and beauty shops' you can get them all over the Nation even with Mailing Address and also all over the Globe. It’s very easy, Felix.'' ''I read the last edition of 'TEMPUS' MAGAzine', which anybody can read down below these lines, and it seems that there is no much hope left for the 'Yunaites' to survive another four years of 'Trumpatilla' and his private Billionaire Boys Club; any more that you could add, Mosca?'' ''Plenty, Felix, however, I’ll like to concentrate in the only answer out there in the horizon: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', although I think is not just worthy but pivotal to present an exception, one exception. Would you be interested in hearing it and then will get into full speed on the last best hope for the U.S.A., again: Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'?'' ''I am, Mosca, and sure that our wise and sober readers will be interested too.''
''WELL, here it is (I didn’t think much about it then, but then is now, it you all know what I mean): This individual, apparently an expert of something, said, I read it in a well-known newspaper, that if Trump lose the 2024 election there will be no Civil War, but if Trump wins the 2024 election, there will be a Civil War. I thought at that time (it was during the 2024 campaign), that the warning, if it was one there, sounded far-fetched, just like Trump winning, just as bizarre as him, Trump that is. Just think about, Felix, the Project 2025, the very same one that Trump denied over and over again knowing anything about it. Well, what do you know? The full force of Project 2025 is what his Machiavellian mind is implementing, a receipt for a full force of Civil War if I ever see one, if I might add.'' ''I concur emphatically with you, but I’ll like to add some more to the equation if I can, Mosca.'' ''Go-get, by all means Felix, you’re a free agent here and everywhere, I won’t dare to censure your freedom of speech, queeslaverdad.com is the 'the land of the free and home of the brave' in cyberspace and beyond.''
''WELL, here is, Mosca: If a Civil War erupts the scale of destruction, 'VEI 166', will be similar Mount St. Helens and many victims like David Alexander Johnston will occur because a type Mount St. Helens’ eruption will repeat in towns and cities and what not over and over again from 'sea to shining sea and over the fruited plains' and the reason why is because there are a quarter of a billion weapons of all kinds in the hands of citizens of the 'Yunaites' plus many deranged individuals beginning with the upper echelon of the ungovernable central Government down to many States and localities. The word 'Chaos' will be left behind and will be replaced by 'Catastrophic'. Now, the question is: Who will have the finger on the Red Button? A assume that in this case scenario the first thing that will be interrupted will be the Internet. If a WWIII erupts, this time with Nuclear Weapons flying back and forth, though it already happened in WWII with just two nuclear bombs, will be lunch 'First' here, just like that Castilian adage: ¡De perdidos, al río! Do not forget the 'falicitadores/enablers': A Criminal Mind cannot do evil at grand scale all by himself: He needs constant 'falicitadores/enablers' around! Take the cases if Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, they would not have had the chance to do evil at grand scale by themselves!''
''YOU NAILED IT, Felix, although there always been corruption in the upper echelon of Government here and everywhere there always have been some very decent and honest professional 'Civil Servant' watching and apprehending at least some of the corrupt individuals, the case scenario today is unprecedented, they have done with the watchdogs, in less than four weeks we have the most corrupt Government in the history the U.S.A. There are no barriers for the corrupt to operate, anything and everything goes! Who can stop a Civil War from happening if not just yet how soon? To top it off, we hear little of the other two branches of Government as if the three branches tree is dried up, it is stuffed with corruption, just look at the curious case of New York Mayor Eric Adams and do not be surprised when America’s 'Mob Boss' pardon Bob Menendez. But I digress, let’s go back to the last best hope, Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', to Save America from the claws of the 'buitres/vultures' that inhabit in the three branches of the dead tree: Let’s Save America from Trump’s Chaos and Catastrophic Mayhem coming and is around the corner already!'' ''Agreed, Mosca, write about the benefits of the 'Grand Transition' from the current political corrupt system to 'Luck of the Draw Election System' for all the People.''
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: Alerta/Alert: [We interrupt the greatest message of 2025-2026 momentarily, 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', but we will be back in a jiffy.] Habemus HealthCare Czar: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Time to run to the mountains? The pronunciation of the word 'MAHA' sounds exactly like that masterpiece of Goya: La 'MAJA'. However, the 'MAHA' of Kennedy’s movement does not explain if his 'MAHA/MAJA' is Clothed or Naked, and that’s a conundrum for the 'entendidos' in Art first and second for those 'entendidos' in Medicine. At any rate: It is going to be a bonanza for Canada first, if Canada does not lose its Independence as Nation to 'Trumpatilla' and his minions. The second Nation future bonanza will be Spain, and the latter one for two reasons that we will explain next. Though Canada will get the greatest bonanza, 'Vaccine Tourism and one Day Visitors', and no doubt Mexico will be second on the list and the answer should be obvious, the distant, it’ll be a time that many 'Americanos' would say: Thank God for the 'Fronteras' being so near and yet so far for most 'Norteamericano$'. Spain’s case is strictly for the more well-to-do in that at the same time they are doing 'Vaccine Tourism’ they can visit 'El Prado' where 'La Maja/Maha' could be found: 'La Maja/Maha Vestida' y 'La Maha/Maja Desnuda' (do not forget to cover your children’s eyes when looking at the latter one). Spain is considered to have one of the best Universal Healthcare Systems, if not the best in Europe, plus it houses one of the best hubs of 'Arte and for Art'. Again, a whole grand Tourism Industry, besides being one of the most visited Nations in the World already, it can be increased with the motto: Three for the Price of One: 'Saving Life Vaccines', 'Arte/Art' & Best Sunbathed Beaches' of Europe; P.S.: I almost forgot: And Flamenco Too! Editorial: Hurrah! Bravissima: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Tanya Chutkan! And again: Hurrah! Bravissima: Martina Navratilova!''
''TIME for an apology to our readers, Mosca!'' ''Why, Felix, what for?'' ''Well, Mosca, you kind of promised to continue to point out the benefits for all of 'The Great Transition' from the current corrupt political system to the only option left, 'Luck of the Draw Election System', of which I’m sure many wanted to hear about, but instead you digress to…'' ''I got you Felix, we will apologize and…'' ''Hold it, Mosca, I beg to differ, it is you and you alone this time around who has to apologize…'' ''Alright, Felix, 'para ti la perra gorda', and yeah, you’re correct: I do solemnly apologize to all (for ya’ll are very valuable for the cause of 'Luck of the Draw Election System') our sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com, yours Mosca.'' ''Muy bien', Mosca, the audience is all your: Continue with those benefits that we both agreed are many!''
ELABORATE: ''Benefits for all after the ''The Great Transition'' from the current maximum 'Corrupt Political System' to the 'Luck of the Draw Election System', just some of them, benefits that is: 'Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission', 558 U.S. 310 (2010): In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that any laws that try to restrict the political spending of corporations and unions is a violation of the First Amendment’s right of free speech. This significantly impacted campaign finance laws. This Supreme Court ugly ruling, ''558 U.S. 310 (2010)'', will be nullify, ceased to exist, and 'Big Money', and for that matter any money, will play the biggest part in electing the next corrupt, so called, leader of the Nation, and for that matter, any Local, County, State so called leaders, and that will include the House of Representatives and Senate. All these elected, elected through 'Luck of the Draw Election System', 'Public Servants', because that what they are, from the President down to the 'Dog Catcher', will be truly servants of the ''People'', will serve a one-time term of 'Five Years', that will disqualify all of them from serving any other term in their lifetime. Still will require that the President/Presidenta be born in North America and the rest just American Citizens, Felix.'' ''What about the Constitution, of which is the 'Sacred Cow' for many, Mosca?'' ''We will go over it next, Felix.''
ELABORATE: '' … go over it next, Felix.'' ''You know what, Felix? Let’s leave the 'Sacred Cow', the Constitution, for a later time; I do not want to confuse our regular sober and wise readers, but the new visitors because there is more than meets the eye, mostly the last words and aberrations coming from Trump and his devious minions: "L'état, c'est moi" Translates to "The state, it is me", "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law", "I myself am the nation" Führerprinzip! Then we have the attack also on the 'Education Department': A 'Dystopia/Bad/Cacotopia' that follows the ''Project 2025'' to the letter. All these disruptions of Freedom, or the little that there is of it, has its roots in the Constitution. So, without any more on the subject for now, we will continue with the assured benefits for all in the next segment of Elaborate: Stay tuned, amigos, folks and blokes from North America and beyond the Frontiers!''
ELABORATE: ''Benefits for all after the ''The Great Transition'' from the current maximum 'Corrupt Political System' to the 'Luck of the Draw Election System', just some of them, benefits that is: After getting 'Don Money' out of equation, the Nation will get rid of the professional politicians by block the spring where that 'perfidious cast' have been drinking since time immemorial, 'Money/Dinero', and in the case of U.S.A., 250 years! That will be the greatest benefit after ''The Great Transition'' from the current maximum 'Corrupt Political System' to the 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. But wait, Felix, there is more to come, much more!'' ''So far, I couldn’t agree more, Mosca, just look at the solution they propose on the disaster, created by them by the way, of the 'Gaza Strip', an investment proposition, just like 'buitre$/vulture$': The 'Riviera of the Middle East', and if that doesn’t show the whole picture I don’t know what would be, $$$! [We wonder if Mr. Trump has read the letter that Mr. Hassan Abuqamar from Gaza, Palestine, addressed to him] But let me ask you a question, a question that merits to consider: How long do you think that the present administration in Washington would last, would it be able to make it for the next four years?'' ''You’re reading my mind, Felix, but I’m not into prognosticating, however, I can do a forecast like any weather person that at the end of the day cannot be blame for the end result.'' ''Well, Mosca, shoot ‘cause you are a true straight shooter.''
ELABORATE: ''Well, Felix, my forecast is two years, at the most.'' ''Sounds about right, but elaborate more on the subject, why around 24 months or so, Mosca?'' ''Well, Felix, longer than that and the World as we know it will go up in flame, not cause by Nature, but by unnatural forces.'' ''Well, if that could be the case, just two years, and even that would produce much pain, of the present administration in Washington, you are talking about a coup d'é·tat 'a la francesa', Price de la Bastille, Felix?'' ''No, not at all, Felix, forces of reason, if there are any left in D.C., will gather and somehow will suspend it, the said Administration.'' ''Be more specific in your forecast, the Military won’t get involved then, Mosca?'' ''Again, no, not at all, no General in my estimation would want to be or be head of a Military Junta always looking over the shoulder. They will be worried about another Civil War and that is the last thing any General would want, nobody would want that to happened, not the citizen that have a heart of flesh, besides it will be the total end of the U.S.A. without the possibility of bouncing back in any way, shape or form of what it was, Felix.'' ''Of the Current Administration’s 'suspension' forecast, in another couple of years or so, hopefully sooner, will J.D. Vance be part, meaning no advance for Vance to the White House as President, Mosca?'' ''Correcto amigo', he’ll be out of scenario together with his boss, as a matter of fact, the total and complete corrupt Administration will be gone, many of them to face serious charges. An 'Interim Government' would be run by civilians, some of the good professional civil servants that always have kept running smoothly, as smoothly as possible, the affairs of the State, and no politician will be involved. It might sound implausible, but remember: Everything is possible in America, even good things for all when 'Don Dinero & Políticos' are done away with, in a peaceful way, of course Felix.'' Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
FEBRUARY 10, 2025 ''Here’s 'The Add Couple', Mosca & Felix''! Welcome folks, blokes and amigos, sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com. You will always be ahead of the Media/Half and subsidiaries: The entire 'sucial' platforms and their 'sucial' CEO's, no exceptions! ''Welcome back to 'América del Norte' also Felix Altamonte. How was your fly from Seville 'aquí', our dear friend?'' ''Great, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary…'' ''Whoa, Felix, hold it there…'' ''I’m not exaggerating. It’s always pleasant flying with 'IB de Espanya', I have been doing it for the last 45 years to go around the Globe.'' ''Good for you, Felix, now let’s get to work.'' ''Why don’t you update some of the broken news out there while I put in order some papers I brought Espanya, Mosca?'' ''Well, plenty of ugliness with Trumpetilla en la Casa Pálida' messing around with video games some of them very dangerous. At any rate, I like to announce that from now on 'Trumpetilla' will be the name when we address things about the Convicted Felon [Criminal] president Donald J. Trump, unless is otherwise necessarily imperative, and the reason is simple: We save ink with 'Trumpetilla' instead than Convicted Felon [Criminal] president Donald J. Trump.'' ''Very smart, Mosca, because if 'el no vale lo que duele', less he is worth 'lo que vale la tinta' between printing 'Trumpetilla' and Convicted Felon [Criminal] president Donald J. Trump.''
ATENCIÓN/ATTENTION! Dear sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com, you’re gonna witness in real time and historic event: 'A Brainstorm Session/Una Sesión de Lluvia de Ideas' with the participation of our entire staff, visiting professor emeritus of History and board member of the prestigious ''UGOS'', 'Universidad Global of Spanglish in the Yunaites at Carolina' Felix Altamonte and the founder, preserver and editor of queeslaverdad.com since 2009, the 'fly' on the Bible, better known by Mosca, and by the way, both of them also known by 'The Add Couple'. Now, some advice to our wise and sober readers with due respect: Do not be greedy and keep it to yourselves, share with others; we, 'The Add Couple', needs you now, all of you folks, blokes and amigos. Thank you mucho! [Be advised: From now on we will refer to América in the true context: The Continent of America comprise from La Patagonia all the way to Canada, so, when we say 'refer' to parts of the total Continent we will do it as follow: ''América del Norte' will refer to the U.S.A, not including ''Canada'', that in the sense Geographically is part of the North, but being ''Canada'' a Sovereign Nation, again, part of the North. Then comes ''Latin America'' that comprise the ''Spanish Caribbean Islands'', ''Central America and South America, which all together comprise ''El Continente de las Américas'', ''América del Norte, América Central y América del Sur.'' 'Trumpetilla' has opened the bottle and the genie is out of the bottle: Can't get it back in the bottle now, Canuto!] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
WELL, here we are in the middle of the room sitting in two comfortable chairs next to the rectangular table Felix and I, Mosca, at the 'Peace Room' of queeslaverdad.com, amigos, folks and blokes. ''OK, 'manos a la obra', Felix, all options on the table.' ''Well, Mosca, actually we have one option left, any other, in my view, will be toxic.'' ''And that is, so our wise and sober readers get to know it, Felix?'' ''The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'.'' ''Agreed, because, what else is there to rescue the World, 'América del Norte' first, from the Status Quo?'' ''Indeed, Mosca, it will be 'la gente/the people' that do the rescue. Yeah, it took us months to come out with the correct wording in the hope that nobody, at least the less amount, got offended somehow with: 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'; and by the way Mosca, I like that you named this room the 'Peace Room'.'' ''Well, elementary, my dear Felix, we want to stay away, as far as possible, with other rooms out there, like bannun’s 'War Room' or 'The Situation Room', where warmongers inhabit, and do not be surprised that the latter one soon will be renamed 'Trumpetilla’s Situation Room'.''
''WHAT’S NEXT, Mosca?'' ''Next is how we could advance the 'message', nationally first, and then to the rest of the World, you know Felix, 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', message.'' ''Any exceptional idea, that is worth to study at this moment in time, Mosca?'' ''I thought you never ask, but let me ask you this question first: Where was the best place to propagate, and still is, a 'message', the old-fashioned way… and we earn it?'' ''I tell you what Mosca---have you ever heard of 'Il barbiere di Siviglia'?'' ''Darn, can’t keep anything away from you, not even my thoughts.'' ''Elementary, my dear Mosca, aren’t we 'The Add Couple', or what?'' ''Agreed, Felix, we 'add', we do not subtract!'' ''It is well known throughout history that in 'Barberías/Barbershops' the local, regional, national and even international news were propagated mainly within the less affluent, in 'barrios, il vicinato, quartiers, nachbarschaften, neighborhoods', though now are everywhere together with 'beauty shops/salones de belleza', a double-access for the good of spreading 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'; of course there are other methods, however, the 'barbershops and beauty shops' are the least expensive and affordable to reach for most of everybody, including our sober and wise readers.''
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: Alerta/Alert: We interrupt the greatest message of 2025-2026 momentarily, 'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', but we will be back to the 'barbershops and beauty shops' in a jiffy. This abrupt interruption is to announce the lifting of ''People's Embargo'' per queeslaverdad.com on Saudi Arabia, for the time being, time being because just words don’t cut it, deeds does and the followed are the words that cuts into 'Trumpetilla's soon to be lonely universe': ''In a swift response to Trump: No ties with Israel without a Palestinian State per Saudi Arabia!'' Editorial: There cannot be an Israel State without the existence of a Palestinian State as well! It looks like 'Trumpetilla's Abraham Accords are crumbling. Always remember that whatever 'Trumpetilla proposes anything, something malevolent is hiding behind! Trumpetilla’s "I Am Your Justice...I Am Your Retribution" knows no border, no frontier! Meanwhile, cardinal Timoteo M. ''Scurrilous'' Dolan, a very good friend of Hillary Rodham ''It Takes a Village'' Clinton & Convicted Felon [Criminal] president Donald J. Trump, is not so friendly anymore with one of his spiritual son, J.D. ''Turncoat Hillbilly'' Vance. An Editorial Question: Is there a difference between a professional politician and a professional theological or a big honcho of any faith or any of clergy? No there is not, otherwise ask Don Jorge Mario ''Window Dresser'' Bergoglio at the Vaticano! [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
''ELABORATE, Mosca, please [on the 'barbershops and beauty shops'].'' ''We’re going to propagate the 'message' ('The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'), the old-fashioned way… we earn it: We are gonna get a bunch of 'Postcards', buy them of course, as many as needed, the standard side, not pricey anywhere we can get them and write the following in the back: Dear People: Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'- Sincerely yours: The Add Couple.'' ''Keep on going, Mosca, don’t let me interrupt you, it is very important to make clear that anybody can participate and do what we are suggesting.'' ''I wrote some day in January the following: SOME say that one person can change or impact the World. I do have doubts about it. I rather point that to impact the World for good it is necessary for many persons, lots of them, lots and lots of good people that are not just good but want to do good. Now, Felix, anyone, anybody, everybody, at least in 'América del Norte' that wants to do good can do it for others, for their families, for their friends, for themselves, and I go as far as to say to do good to those that considered themselves enemies, because who cannot afford a 'Post Card and Stamp' and mail it with the same massage that we are proposing: Dear People: Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-?''
ELABORATE: ''One of the most important things when mailing a card an envelope of any side is to have a clear returning address, queeslaverdad.com, is our return address. Anything that is mailed without a returning address look suspicious and in our pivotal message there is nothing to hide. There are two reasons of the 'postcards', at least concerning us. Second reason is price: Standard postcards are about 25 cents and a stamp 56 cent=81 cents. First reason: Countless people will be able to read what the message, the open message, from the 'postman/woman' to begin with and so on. Though any return address would do, we encourage our wise and sober readers to place on the 'postcard' our return address, for now, of those which is sent to the 'barbershops and beauty shops'; we all need a well-coordinated and effective effort. We will be sending hundreds, if not thousands for the next two years, so multiplied those by 81 cents. Remember this: This is not another movement, this is the people in movement, 'People’s Movement' forward, not just by the downtrodden, the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, the very rich, the millionaires & billionaires, hopefully, but a movement by all of the peoples, again: 'The People’s Movement'!''
ELABORATE: ''Having queeslaverdad.com as a return address, and hopefully you all do that at least for the next six months or so if not more, people in the 'barbershops and beauty shops' will have a chance to connect here and read what it is all about, for we will elaborate furthermore the exceptional benefit for all in the Nation with -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-. By doing that you are not promoting queeslaverdad.com, you’re promoting the greatest 'Cause' of all times: The True Cause of Freedom for All Peoples!'' ''That’s well put, but what about sending to others a postcard with their own return address, let’s say friends, family members, or even to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC, Mosca?'' ''All is fine, Felix, we do not demand anything, we just suggest what has worked for us and what not, but then again it might work for others. At any rate, if someone wants to send the message in an envelope with their own return address is fine by me. I did it with our on flier in the envelope for almost the last two years describing Dear People: Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-. There were probably a couple of thousand that were sent with our own return address, queeslaverdad.com, to most of the 'big media', of which Felix was upset because…, well in his own words: 'You are wasting your time and money, Mosca, the 'big media/half of TV, Radio and national newspapers will never mention or print -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2024': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-, they dearly love the Status Quo'. Darn it, he was correct, no one in the 'big media/half' mentioned. I even sent the same letter to Mar-a-Lago several time in that period to different individuals, 'la famiglia', including 'the chosen one', and 'nada piña colada'. I also sent the very same envelope with our special flier inside saying Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2024': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'- to most senators and congressman/woman in Washington D.C., one of them was the current 'secretario en estado' Marco ''Little'' Blond (Trump: "I call him 'Little Marco'... He's a very nasty guy."). Again, 'nada piña colada' not even a 'Cuba Libre'!''
ELABORATE: ''Any special or otherwise 'request' you have for our readers, Mosca? Speak now or forever hold your peace!'' ''Yeah, Felix, indeed I have one, an extremely important one and to a very great degree, doubling it down, if I may say so: Please, do not proceed the advancement of Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-'' through posting it on any 'social/sucial media', they all are toxic and corrupt; queeslaverdad.com has been around for 16 years, and some 'sucial media' had come and go, and we still around. We, you and us, do not want that such a pure and unselfish 'Idea’, Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures: -'The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025-26': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'-, one of a kind, the one that cannot be surpassed in any way, shape, or form, be swimming in dirty mud. Eventually, preferable sooner than later, the 'sucial media' platforms will be 'gone with the wind' of decency and respect for one another, because we all are about the same, regardless north, south, west, east of the Globe. We are overall from one and same family, the Human Family, all with the same basic needs.'' ''Again, well put-together Felix, anything else, regarding this subject?'' ''One last, Felix, we have to be aware, suspicious, if necessary, because not everyone wants the best for the Nation, the Family, and the overall 'bienestar/welfare' of other Nations’ People, and regardless of their wording, they thrive in chaotic terms and muddy waters. They say peace, peace, when there is no peace and are preparing to invade and use military force if they estimated necessary for their own gain. We are unifiers not dividers they will say, and their deeds point out to the contrary. Does anybody know someone like it?''
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: Alerta/Alert: Things are going not as expected, but worse. Shock and awe with visceral fury are the order of the day. As a matter of fact, marking the third week of 'Trumpetilla' lurking all around inside the 'La Casa Blanca', they say even at night, like a pathetic ominous and worrisome shadow (January 20 to February 10, 2025). The description of the #1 occupant is not totally complete yet but, stay tune we are working on the 'looney tunes' side of the equation given that even the 'shrinks' are perplexed! Amazing disgrace: Peace Through Tariffs! I’m a fighter not a lover [MAGA is very unforgiving!]. Some might wonder: 'How in the Underworld' got three wives and counting, 'Trumpetilla' that is. And the wonder and the answer might be this: Two more to go, 'ain’t that true sucial', Mr. Rupert ''Fox'' Murdoch, or should we say, Mr. Rupert ''Kangaroo'' Murdoch? Now, the leading doctors of strange behavior, 'psiquiatras y psicólogos', still can’t figure out 'the curious case of Trumpetilla', so, we in this Magazine are going to divert to a clear path (Lo que está a la vista no necesita candil): Devious Instinct from childhood that if is not attended and corrected by experts can develop into a serious Criminal Instincts with the sad end of a Criminal Mind operating until Law & Order intervene, understanding that is still around, Law & Order that is.
LAW & ORDER: [DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: QUI PRO DOMINA JUSTITIA SEQUITUR] What? ''When the rule of law is, according to 'Trumpetilla', something to navigate around or simply ignore (Trump has been doing it for the last six decades), you are dealing not with Deficient Mind, you are truly dealing with Criminal Instincts. When it has become even more apparent that as president, the rule of law is but a worthless impediment to his policy goals, you are not dealing with a Disturbed Mind, you are dealing with a Criminal Mind, a true Criminal. When you talk about Gaza casually as a 'piece of real estate' with the great potential of turning Gaza into the 'Riviera of the Middle East', declaring that the Palestinians be removed first, as if they were cattle or another commodity in the wrong place, forcibly if necessary: What type of mind can dream of such aberration, not a 'nuts', amigos, folks and blokes, but a clear Criminal Mind of the worst kind! Editorial Conclusion: When 'Trumpetilla' is arrested (What more do you need than 34 felony convictions sealed by his peers?), if he ever arrested, his lawyers won’t be able to pull out 'his' last card out of 'his' sleeve to avoid incarceration, say in 'Gitmo', by claiming 'he’s nuts' and not responsible for his actions! 'Trumpetilla' will blame America if necessary: It is America’s fault! I’m a Product of America, Made in USA! Regarding the Middle East: Just substituting two words or names, 'Gaza Strip' for 'State Israel', of a statement said by the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Gideon Sa'ar: The State Israel is a failed experiment! [ISAIAH 1:15-16 - And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil.] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
MŪSICA & CANTŌ MAGISTRŌ: ♪♪♪CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE♪♪♪ ♪Wise men say [And I am Trump, the wisest man on Earth]♪♪ ♪Only fools rush in, Americans♪♪ ♪But I can't help falling in love with me♪♪ ♪Shall I stay?♪♪ ♪Would it be a sin having a Criminal Mind♪♪ ♪If I can't help falling in love with myself?♪♪♪ ♪Like my river flows♪♪ ♪Surely to Mar-a-Swamp♪♪ ♪Americanos, so it goes♪♪ ♪Some things are meant to be♪♪ ♪If not, I mean it to be♪♪ ♪Take my hand♪♪ ♪And I’ll take your whole life, too♪♪ ♪For I can't help falling in love with me & myself♪♪♪/. Hasta la vista, Canutos! [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?]
AND DON’T FORGET WHERE CAN BE FOUND THE SAFEST PLACE ON THE INTERNET TOTALLY FOR FREE [*freely ye have received, freely give], SO TELL OTHERS!!! AND ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: queeslaverdad.com, the place to be for comfort in the times of the Crownvirus Plague and the other no less deadly Plagues, Police Brutality and Religious Mongering: We provide a buffet of more than comfort food for the hungry, for our buffet consists of food for thought and food for the soul, the latter one “vital” for our lives in the now and after, because at the end of the day it is a matter of life and death, both eternal. That’s why the “vital part” comes directly from the Word of God, the Bible, not filtered by wicked ideas and doctrines of men, but pure, from the Glorious and Merciful Mouth of The Lord Christ Jesus and not from any men’s mouth like a pope, bishop, pastor, priest, etcetera, all of them Nicolaitans with their own different fake gospels (Refer to: Galatians/Gálatas 1:6-8).
[EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Though it’s written at the bottom of each page, queeslaverdad.com 2009 all rights reserved, in actuality it’s not. In other words, if anyone, and we mean anybody who ‘desea/wishes’ to publish parts or the entirety of our writings in her or his online ‘plataforma/platform’, whether it is a Blog, a Webpage, or even a Newspaper, TV or Radio Station, they are welcome, no problemo, as long as there are no additions or changes to the text or context of what was written. We also leave the prerogative to identify where the original originates or not. So welcome if you do it, amigos, blokes and folks, copy and paste as much as you want. Again, no copyrights are infringed at queeslaverdad.com now or ever]
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