(POSTED: Viernes/Friday/Vēneris: December 20, 2024) ATTENTION/ATENCIÓN: QUEESLAVERDAD.COM AHEAD OF THE REST: The 'Entera' is back with the latest top topics done as only queeslaverdad.com does it: 'Enteramente/Entirely', leaving behind the 'Media' doing what it does the best: Bringing 'News and Topics' in their typical framing: 'Half/Media', leaving the rest, the other 'Half/Media', buried under the 'Status Quo' hoping that stays there: Buried! Welcome dear sober and wise readers and regardless if you’re a long time reader or a new reader: All are welcome: For we are not respecter of persons: Again: Welcome (*of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues): Yours: Mosca: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do!!!
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: [Beware: This Magazine will update and expose the Magadonians’ Dark World and its 'Greedy in chief' with frequency for the good of the Nations, America first. Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content, ''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine, that is.] TRUMP himself told us who he was all about for years, however and amazingly, he got the 2024 popular vote on his side. Question: Is that a sign of who most 'Americanos del Norte' are all about? ''Bad Hombre'' Trump: “Now, I’ll tell you, I’m good at that – so, you know, I’ve always taken in money,” he said at a rally in Iowa. “I like money. I’m very greedy. I’m a greedy person. I shouldn’t tell you that, I’m a greedy – I’ve always been greedy. I love money, right? “But, you know what? I want to be greedy for our country. I want to be greedy. I want to be so greedy for our country. I want to take back money,” he added/. Good to his word, he wants to create the Greesdiest U.S.A. government this second time around and the sad part is that he got a second chance, just as George War Butcher and José ''Let’s Go Joe'' Biden said: "America is the land of second chance, blah-blah-blah". Does crime pay in America? It seems so, as long the crime is big! All ''True Sucial'' be told without Alternative Facts: Would Trump be able to create the greediest government in the history of mankind? Well, time will tell one way or another, wouldn’t you say, 'canutos todos' in Magaland?
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: Questions and answers on the Drones spotted as big as a Tesla: “President-select Trump suggested the drones be shot down in a ''True Sucial'' post'’, but hold your horses Illuminati Trump; there could be hundreds from the DOGE mothership taking aim at different wasteful expenditures for preemptive shooting down, to begin with, of ''Obamacare'' since the Healthcare Scare of the Wicked Industry of the same name. I, Mosca, have received a letter from our forever friend Felix Altamonte in Seville stating that he has done a study on Healthcare and Spain rates as the best in the World and by following their example the Yunaites Gobierno will save billions of dollars, close to one trillion annually. Something to consider, but the big Maggots of Maga won’t consider it; the politicians and billionaires love 'la tetilla' of mother swine, for they are the truly welfare queens, you know like in corporate welfare, a.k.a. Elon Musk and so on. Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content, ''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine, that is/.
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: Attention/Atención all Magadonians: Your dear 'Greedy in chief' needs your prayers and not silence. Pray that all of Donald Juan ''Bad Hombre'' Trump's intended nominees and appointees for his second-term cabinet and other high-level positions come to fruition! Do you hear that, reverend Franklin ''Bur$a'' Graham? Some suggestions of whom to pray to free of charge: [A tip: In Trump’s Universe nothing is for free; take advantage of this great opportunity, dear Magadonians!] #1, pray to Mammon (Aramaic: מָמוֹנָא, māmōnā) MAGA’s god! #2, pray to 'La Virgen de la Leche' located in St. Agustine, Floridanistan, and it seems that is the 'patrona' of no other than DeSanctimonious. #3, 'La Virgen Patrona de Slovania' placed in Ptujska Gora, Santa Patrona of the House of Trump a well-kept secret. #4, pray to the perpetual Queen of Hungary, no doubt the favorite Virgen of Vitorio Orbán. Warning: Do not touch 'La Macarena', that is Bill ''Slick Willy'' Clinton favorite Virgen. At any rate, there are so many Virgenes & Santos all over the World that we stop here, however, one last recommendation: When it comes to a Virgen, a Rosary is the most effective prayer. Another warning: Do not pray to St. Canuto, dear Magadonians, is a hoax, just like your ''Greedy in chief'' is, thus: Y’all are a hoax/.
(December 18, 2024) Well, guess what, amigos, folks and blokes? I had a phone call from Felix Altamonte on my good old phone line (Felix and I, Mosca, do not own a Smartphone, we are smart enough to need one: No pun intended people!) and I recorded it to share with y’all, sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com, the total conversation for we are about the only one totally transparent in the Cyberspace because we are known as the 'Entera' on Earth and in the Air no Media/Half. So here we go, all the way from 'El Barrio de Triana', Sevilla, Espanya: 'Ring Ring', ''Hola, Felix, I recognize your number from the other side of the Pond for now'' - 'What you mean by for now, Mosca?' - ''Well, until someone cut the cable and…'' - 'I got it, Mosca, to sell more Smartphones and know were you are all the time, right?' - ''Correcto, Felix, you’re always on the ball, but tell me, what’s up Felix?'' - ''Did I wake you up from your daily siesta, Mosca? Your voice doesn’t sound to jovial to me' - ''Since you mentioned that I most mention my surprise reading your last post before living for Seville November 5'' - 'What about it, Mosca?' - ''I thought that we agreed to sit home during the selection in November 5, 2024 of president here in the Yunaites, Felix'' - 'Well, we did agree but I did not promised, always living an open window, Mosca' - ''Explain, Felix'' - 'You did promise and I knew that will keep you promise: Unless the ''Citizen National Referendum 2024'': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'' I’ll sit this selections 2024, and so you did. Very noble of you keeping you word of honor, Mosca, and I would have done the same, staying home, but the Kamala Harris effect surfaced in the bloody American political circus and, like I said, I saw an opening on the window to promote the Soft Landing of her, never-to-be, administration for our proposed ''Citizen National Referendum 2024'': ''Luck of the Draw Election System'', the end of the corrupt political system designed by the 'Status Quo' several centuries ago, the total demolition of such system all around World, 'América del Norte' First, and all done peacefully of course, and we agreed that the only way is, and I say it again: The ''Citizen National Referendum 2024'': ''Luck of the Draw Election System'', correct, Mosca?' - ''Correcto amigo Felix, I got it now. At any rate, what’s your surprisingly pleasant phone call all the way from 'El Barrio de Triana', Sevilla, Espanya all about?''
(December 19, 2024) Felix Altamonte recorded phone call all the way from 'El Barrio de Triana', Sevilla, Espanya, part #2: - 'The main reason I called you is the following: I worry about you Mosca. Are you playing ''Devil’s Advocate'' with MAGA on ''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine, somehow?' - ''Well, Felix, these Magadonians are so ignoramus that they could spend their strength in something so futile this last 'festivus days' of 2024 [Pun intended, Mr. irrelevant Rand ''Festivus'' Paul] as praying to the air, kind of confusing the enemy within, the entire MAGA itself. They have the 'big lie' in their pocket because their greedy spirit pointed them to the greatest liar in the history of America, Mr. Greed in person and there is no need of any 'AI' for that, they already have 'Elon Musk': Donald Juan ''Bad Hombre'' Trump; they own the 'big lie and the big liar', the Magadonians that is. And on the worry part, Felix, what’s that worry about me?'' - 'Well, my dear friend Mosca, haven’t you heard that the MGA forces are in a 'crack down' mood, deploying that old weapon at their disposal, what all dictators do to shut up their opponents, 'cañones' pointing at the 'Media/Half', sending warning letters to multiple media outlets regarding potential defamation lawsuits if you opposed and criticizes Trump and his toxic nominees?' - ''Well, if it is so, there’s nothing to worry about, remember Felix that we are not part of the Media/Half. We are 'La Entera’ and queeslaverdad.com do not criticizes anybody, least Trump and his minions, the Magadonians, we just present facts, the whole enchilada, we have nothing to do with 'Alternative Facts', besides it is the Media/Half that created 'Vicious Monster' Trump and corporation, incorporating to it of late 'persons of interest' like Elon 'Doge' Musk. At any rate, these brushwood dogs, the Brownshirts & Bkackshirts, are after big money too, like in the ABC $15 million settle Trump’s defamation suit, and a big chunk went for his consiglieres, but in my case, Mosca’s, they’ll fall flat on their ugly faces, because my capital is in 'pesetas' and what I have left are 15 thousands 'pesetas' and this bunch are capitalist through and through, you know, the ones that have run amok, you know: Greed, greed, insatiable greed and no satisfaction as in Greedflation''
(December 20, 2024) Felix Altamonte recorded phone call all the way from 'El Barrio de Triana', Sevilla, Espanya, part #3: - 'Well put, Mosca, however, do you still think, it seems, that all Trump’s nominees be confirmed, or am I getting it wrong?' - ''You know better than that, Felix, I have the suspicion that you want me to expand in so sordid 'political business acumen' as Trump’s nominees for high office. Then, here you have it, not just for Felix, but for the whole Nation: By approving the total of Trump’s nominees, no exceptions, instead of an 'open ceiling', budget 'desmadre' with lots of porky for every politicians including Musk, what would happen applying the same forces [Maga & Doge] to an 'open floor' with many cracks wider than six feet and crumbling down swallowing the 'House of Horrors' within the Capitol Hill, nothing worth saving, and that is what 'Vicious Monster' is after, you know: Chaos! It is not easy to explain the 'MAGAllón' without leaving grounds for Trump’s consiglieres for future defamation lawsuit'' - 'Well, Mosca, let me see if I can be of any help history ywise' - ''Please, do, and thank you, my history scholar friend Felix Altamonte'' –
'THERE ARE PRECEDENTS as you know, Mosca, many of them, even today, of two thinks that we are discussing on the the Media/Half of defamation lawsuits to many to count in History that followed by open persecution, it is in the guide to make a dictator. Just a few examples: Fidel Castro, Cuba. Benito Mussolini, Italy. Adolf Hitler, Germany. Today there is, among others, Viktor Orbán, Hungary, and what it is amazing is that he is doing it in the heart of the E.U. and openly, being very successful shutting up the Media, something has called the attention of Trump and is following the lessons that Orbán gives to those with aspirations to become a filthy dictator. Netanyahu of Israel is already there and the saddest part is that the United States of America has his back' - ''Seems like you have little sympathy, or none, for the governments of America & Israel, Felix'' - 'Just like you, Mosca, and I assuming. What’s your degree of sympathy for them?' - ''You guessed well, Felix, my degree of sympathy for them, the governments of America & Israel, is zero, nada, zilch!''
'THE SECOND PRECEDENT that we are discussing now, though there are many more like concentration camps for prisioners of the regime or immigrants, are the shirts, something so inoffensive and necessary, and today a hat, beisbol hats to be specific, and you, Mosca, knows all of that, but many people now days don’t. As already was mentioned, Mussolini’s Blackshirts and Hitler’s Brownshirts. What most people now days don’t know is that in both cases the many of the men & women wearing them disappeared waring them. Yeah, ''mon amy'', when the dictator does not need them any longer, the dictator make them gone, either by killing them or any other method. Could it happen in America with the ''Red Beisbol Hats'' with the insignia ''MAGA'' prominently displayed in the front of their hats as happened to the Blackshirts & Brownshirts? You betcha folks & blokes: When Trump does not need them any longer, the ''MAGAcanutos'', he will discard them, the methods could be the same or he will come up with new ones. They all will be gone, from the big MAGA honchos in limousines to the ones in bicycles. ''Bad Hombre'' does not trust even his own shadow. Trump is pathetic psychopath criminal loose in the highest places of the Nation. I wonder how many generals will be on his side, and if not many he’ll managed to be appointed the necessary amount of them' - ''Not a good perspective you are drawing for America’s future, Felix'' - 'Well, too old of a system, 250 years with the same political routine, and if the people haven’t had enough, anoctogenarian is leaving and another comes, same old same, same old, the ''Status Quo'' wins again and again' [End of the Felix Altamonte recorded phone call all the way from 'El Barrio de Triana', Sevilla, Espanya]
A SHORT EXPANSION to 21-22, 2024: I do not know how serious, dear sober and wise readers, whomever and wherever you are found, or not seriously you take all that was said in the recorded phone conversation between Felix and I, Mosca, but it really do not matter now, it is kind of late one way or another. I personally knew that there always were 'bad hombres' but at what am I surprise is how many more are there than what I thought, still I think that decent people surpass the bad ones, is got to be, otherwise we all lost, the whole World is lost without hope of any kind. Having said all that, however, there is one thing we all should take very seriously: The 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. That is the only thing, seriously brothers and sister, we do have left to stop this madness. Again: I plea with you all from the bottom of my heart your serious consideration of the 'Luck of the Draw Election System', without your very serious consideration, oh ye people, we’re all doomed, America first and the rest of the World following!
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: 'This Is Not a Drill and Not a Publicity Stunt It Is the Real Thing'! WE DO NOT WANT ''America Death Liken a Dodo''! I do personally believe that not all Americans are ''Canutos'', so 'amigos todos', it is the moment in time to share the great news with others, no exceptions: Save the Nation: Let us all save It from the claws of Donald J. ''Bad Hombre'' Trump and his minions the Magadonians, It is our duty as Patriots! Get ready to share the 'Citizen National Referendum 2025': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. We do have to understand that serious elections occurred every year in America whether is for Congress, Senator, Governor and others, being Midterm elections, 2026, quite important and then the circle repeats, 2027 and then 2028 the major one, Presidential and liken a Midterm. By starting to gather signatures now for 2025 we will be ahead of every political persuasion. Those that can afford to pay for advertisements, including 'Billboard Advertisement', which we encourage, will be doing an extraordinary good deed to their children and grandchildren and all the following generations of Americans. An example of an Advertisement: ''Volunteers Needed to Gather Signatures'': The 'Citizen National Referendum 2025': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. [Last Best Hope for America First and the Entire World]
WHO KNOWS? Maybe, hopefully before 2028 the Nation is ready to drop the Old Corrupt Election System in the gutter where it belongs and bring forward the new 'Luck of the Draw Election System' and that will be the best for all. It is never too late and it is never too early to perform a good deed, vote and promote it. It is the best gift you ever gave to a fellow man or woman. Go out there and spread the news! Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year 2025, until then: Yours, Mosca/.
(POSTED: Viernes/Friday/Vēneris: December 20, 2024) ATTENTION/ATENCIÓN: We are in the process of revamping queeslaverdad.com and in the process we will be eliminating most likely 80% of the old writings to refresh our outlook of the things to come. But, let me be clear, we are in the business of building not of plucking indiscriminately like ''Bad Hombre'' and his minions want to do. I, Mosca, agreed that the 'mala hierba' needs to go just like both so called ''Lesser of two evils'', the ''Repucrats'', the GOP & NDP. At any rate, if some wants to paste anything written as far as 15 years ago at quueslaverdad.com, this is the moment in time to do so. Lots of wisdom, amigos, folks and blokes, because history is the greatest teacher: ''People are manipulated by both side of the political spectrum''-Denzel Washington- (One of the best, if not the best, actors of the 21st century, and that is my personal opinion, 'for what it’s worth', Mosca). It’s not the economy, 'canutos', it’s the ''Status Quo'': The Last Best Hope for the Entire World: The 'Citizen National Referendum 202.?': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'.
LATEST BROKEN NEWS FROM MAGALAND: Habemus πρεσβεύω: Two Ancient cultures colliding: Guilligana says she will deliver ‘on the Bad Hombre agenda’ in Greece. We wonder what the Greek páppas think about it. But, if we can be of any help here at queeslaverdad.com, expect the following: This bunch, the MAGA dynasty, do not give a thing, on the contrary, they take as much as they can every time!!! Good luck Έλληνες/.
A BRIEF NOTE: What happened November 5, 2024? As you can read in my prognostication November 1, I prognosticated a ''Blue Wave''. Now, I’m not apologizing that it didn’t come true, I emphasize that such a thing is not an exact science, and anybody has the right to prognosticate. At any rate, I extend my prognostication ‘til the fat lady sings or ''Bad Hombre'' sits in the ''Oficina Ovalada'', meaning that everything is possible in the ''Most Exceptional'' nation in the history of Mankind [Pun intended, Peoplekind Girlyman Governor of the Great State of Canada, Monseiur Trudeau Trade and learn from 'Presidenta Sheinbaum' that have the 'Pantalones Bien Puestos', because when you trust a 'Convicted Criminal', 34 times over, you sound to me like you’re a great 'Canuto'], just wait. And from now on I’ll just predict or forecast like the weather man, a meteorologist, and case close and I rest my case. This very last part is for the 'Canutos' of this vast Land of ours. Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus? Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
THE VOICE of AMERICA falls in the dangerous hands of a MAGAnite, 'St. Kari of the Lake' and will voice the psycho ideas of the 'Comandante en jefe' of the 'Yunaites' in waiting. There’s still the hope he never make it there, because remember: "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings": ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay!!! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté! ¡Viva La Libertad de Religión & Freedom from Religion! ♪♪♪We Shall Overcome All Religious Forces Around The World Peacefully♪♪ & ♪We Shall Overcome the Criminal and Brutal British/American Global Financial System Peacefully♪♪♪/. ViVa the 'Citizen National Referendum 202.?': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus? Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
A MAN WITH A MISSION: Yeah, I’m, with a mission, a job, a purpose and a goal, the four wrapped up as a gift for ''Las Fiestas'' of December, New Year/Año Nuevo 2025 and beyond: ''Luck of the Draw Election System'' for the World! While the Yunaites is preparing for the future ''Billionaires’ Government'', 'We the People' hoping it doesn’t come to fruition ever, I, Mosca, have a ♪Cantata♪ for the World, America First! Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus? Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
MŪSICA & CANTŌ MAGISTRŌ: ♪♪♪CASAS DE CARTÓN♪♪♪ ♪Qué triste♪♪ ♪Se oye la lluvia♪♪ ♪En los techos de cartón♪♪ ♪Qué triste♪♪ ♪Vive mi gente♪♪ ♪En las casas de cartón♪♪♪ ♪Viene bajando el obrero♪♪ ♪Casi arrastrando sus pasos♪♪ ♪Por el peso del sufrir♪♪ ♪Mira que es mucho sufrir♪♪ ♪Mira que pesa el sufrir♪♪♪ ♪Arriba deja la mujer preñada♪♪ ♪Abajo esta la ciudad♪♪ ♪Y se pierde en su maraña♪♪ ♪Hoy es lo mismo de ayer♪♪ ♪Es un mundo sin mañana♪♪♪ ♪Qué triste♪♪ ♪Se oye la lluvia♪♪ ♪En las carpas de los campamentos de refugiados♪♪ ♪Qué triste♪♪ ♪Vive tu gente en el Medio Oriente♪♪ ♪En las carpas de refugiados de guerra♪♪♪ ♪Niños color de mi tierra y de tu tierra♪♪ ♪Con sus mismas cicatrices♪♪ ♪Millonarios de lombrices♪♪ ♪Y por eso♪♪ ♪Que tristes viven los niños♪♪ ♪En las casas de carton y las carpas de refugiados♪♪♪ ♪Usted no lo va a creer♪♪ ♪Pero hay escuelas de perros♪♪ ♪Y les dan educación♪♪ ♪Pa' que no muerdan los diarios, pero el patrón♪♪ ♪Hace años, muchos años♪♪ ♪Que está mordiendo al obrero♪♪♪ ♪Qué triste♪♪ ♪Se oye la lluvia♪♪ ♪En los techos de cartón♪♪ ♪Qué lejos♪♪ ♪Pasa una esperanza♪♪ ♪En las casas de carton y las carpas de refugiados♪♪♪/. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
BROKEN NEWS IN A CAPSULE FROM THE YUNAITES: Muncher Manchin went to Sinema to watch his legacy in the Senate and before he left he shouted: Fire in the Theater! Hey, we knew your game all the time, Manchin & Sinema! What a year, 2024, it smells to high heaven: My daughter used to say when she was little: ¡Caca de la vaca! All these senators think they own the Nation, one of the ''One Hundred' 'of them being Fetterman and you know what: They do! ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay!!! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté! ¡Viva La Libertad de Religión & Freedom from Religion! ♪♪♪We Shall Overcome All Religious Forces Around The World Peacefully♪♪ & ♪We Shall Overcome the Criminal and Brutal British/American Global Financial System Peacefully♪♪♪/. Viva the 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo? Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
BROKEN NEWS: Regardless if the ''Daylight Saving Time'' was a good thing or not, Trump pushing to make standard time year-round could means that there is no need for it any longer, he will be 'the shining guiding light of ''América del Norte''. I just wonder how enlightened he will be if in January 6, 2025, a Million Marchers peacefully stop in front of the Capitol to impede or at least to delay his Certification indefinitely as the next ''Comandante en jefe' of the 'Yunaites', because: Who wants 15 hundred criminals that attacked very violently the United States Capitol roaming around the Nation after being pardoned by the 'Capo di tutti capi', a person of interest himself, a convicted criminal by a jury of his peers 34 times, and of course we talking about: Trump Juan ''Bad Hombre'' Trump!!!
''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine: A new publication of queeslaverdad.com only to be found here, and by the way: Totally Free of Charge! I, Mosca, editor in chief of such prestigious publication, ''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine, grants 'man of the year' to ''Bad Hombre”, a corrupt to the bone person of interest in the 'Yunaites'. ''Bad Hombre'', born in Queens and residing now in 'Floridanistan' in a place known in 'Spanglish' as 'Mar-a-Pantano'. One more honor 'adjudicado' mainly in the underworld as 'Hombre Malo' is 'Padrino' or 'Capo di tutti capi' worldwide in this case, though we prefer here, at ''TEMPUS'' MAGAzine, the ultimate dark honor: ''The Biggest Hoax-Man'' in the History of Peoplekind''. Until next Friday, folks & blokes, amigos todos/.
(POSTED: Viernes/Friday/Vēneris: December 6, 2024) ATTENTION/ATENCIÓN: The Mosca Is Back! Yeah, indeed, I’m back with this important announcement: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! 'Bad Hombre' is not sitting in the 'Despacho Ovalado' yet! Remember dear sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com: Anything is possible in América del Norte! At any rate: The Selection 2024 of 'Presidente' is over (In América there is not Election, there is Selection) and guess what? As in everything in 'América del Norte', as there is always buyer’s remorse there will be voter’s remorse. All the same, the question is: Who were the losers of the Election/Selection 2024? Our readers know who they are, the losers, so if you are a new reader keep on reading ,and you will know too!
HISTORIA/HISTORY: From now on we are going to dedicate precious moments to 'History/Historia' that is so much in need of going over among Citizens of the World, Americans First: FRONTLINE: ''China, The U.S & The Rise of Xi Jinping''. A Documentary, 11/26/2024. Observation and pronto declaration: 50% are facts, the other 50% well…, we leave it after you, yeah, dear sober and wise readers, you decide! A couple or three things are in need to 'subrayar/underline': On both side of the spectrum are about the same number of men and women not to be trusted. Reforms: Are worthless and the best example is the Church Reformation. Revolutions: They don’t work either, they are bloody, mostly the blood of the ordinary people, and at the end of it, most times, if not all, the following Government end up in the same type of individual hands. Now: There is a simple and bloodless and clear and only solution: The Last Best Hope for the Entire World: The 'Citizen National Referendum 202.?': 'Luck of the Draw Election System'. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?] Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
MORE HISTORY/HISTORIA: FIRST CIVILIZATIONS: ''Cities''. A Documentary, 5/8/2018. Observation and pronto declaration: It seems that within the Humans, Homo Sapiens, are also ''HomōBruto'' and in Spanglish will be ''Bad Hombre''. Throughout History the raise of ''HomōBrutos'', ''Bad Hombres'' has marked a particular century. In the 21st century so far the 'golden laurel wreath' it is reserved for Donald ''Bad Hombre'' Trump, although there are many others competing. ''Bad Hombre'' dream is to soil the advances of 'Ordinary People', but like we have said before: It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! 'Bad Hombre' is not sitting in the 'Despacho Ovalado' yet! Anybody can get a cardiac arrest munching constantely 'Donald’s Burgers & Patatas Fritas & Soda Pop'. It is not our desire that ‘La Señora Muerte’ arrive early, before it’s time, whether violently [we discard violence to any person in any form or shape always] or by ‘emfermedad' to anybody, however some choose to leave a 'testamento' in a simple ''Cantata'' and we just wanna help here for we are very musically oriented. So here we go: From the Américas and beyond: Decicated to ''Bad Hombre''!!! [Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content]
MŪSICA & CANTŌ MAGISTRŌ: ♪♪♪SI YA ME VOY♪♪♪ ♪Si ya me voy♪♪ ♪Me quiero ir así como viví la vida♪♪ ♪Y al ataúd♪♪ ♪Rodeado de la gente que más me quería♪♪ ♪And there was none to be found♪♪♪ ♪Si ya me voy♪♪ ♪Quiero que brinden conmigo el último trago♪♪ ♪Y a mi salud♪♪ ♪Se canten unas de despecho, yo las pago♪♪ ♪Y despues que las pague el Diablo♪♪♪ ♪Quiero que toquen mariachis, de las de Greenwood♪♪ ♪Y presente me tengan♪♪ ♪El día que la señora muerte, tomando una soda pop♪♪ ♪Se acuerde de mí♪♪♪ ♪Voy emprendiendo y no quiero que me dejen ir♪♪ ♪Sin las de Village People♪♪ ♪Y que sepan todos los que están ausentes♪♪ ♪Que me iré con rabietas♪♪♪ ♪¡Salud! ♪♪¡Y repítela!♪♪♪
♪Si ya me voy♪♪ ♪Quiero una fiesta de colores en mi pueblo de Queens♪♪ ♪Y que al final♪♪ ♪Todos se queden platicando mi recuerdo♪♪ ♪It’s about time♪♪♪ ♪Si ya me voy♪♪ ♪Ahí les encargo a los que fueron importantes, los enablers♪♪ ♪Y desde allá abajo♪♪ ♪Voy a cuidarlos para que nada les falte♪♪ ♪Dream on Magadonians♪♪♪ ♪♪Y que sepan todos los que están presentes♪♪ ♪None to be found♪♪ ♪Que me iré fuming♪♪ ♪Que me iré with trantums♪♪ ♪Que chorrada♪♪♪ ♪♪♪¡Hasta la vista, Bad Hombre!♪♪♪/. (Bad Hombre: ''The World is going a little crazy right now''. What? What about: ''America went big time crazy by selecting you, Bad Hombre''! It seems that everyone bowed to the Godfather of the World in the City of Lights! In our next 'entrega/dispatch', some following Viernes/Friday/Vēneris, we will dissect all this rubbish including Donald ''Bad Hombre'' Trump visit to Paris to meet World Leaders in the shadow of Notre Dame Cathedral [A pillar of the Earth] on how to preserve the Status Quo while the Sky is falling on Civilization or what remains of it.) [Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content]
(POSTED: Viernes/Friday/Vēneris: November 1, 2024) ATTENTION/ATENCIÓN: QUEESLAVERDAD.COM AHEAD OF THE REST: The 'Entera' is back with the latest top topics done as only queeslaverdad.com does it: 'Enteramente/Entirely', leaving behind the 'Media' doing what it does the best: Bringing 'News and Topics' in their typical framing: 'Half/Media', leaving the rest, the other 'Half/Media', buried under the 'Status Quo' hoping that stays there: Buried! Welcome dear sober and wise readers and regardless if you’re a long time reader or a new reader: All are welcome: For we are not respecter of persons: Again: Welcome (*of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues): Yours: “The 'add' Couple”: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do!!!
10/27: 'PERSONS of INTEREST' in the realm of 'Enemy Within': Donald ''McDonald'' Trump [When someone is evacuating more than eats is because is 'full of it'!]/. JD Vance ''Everything Trump'' [A new meaning of Hillbilly]/. Chris Sununu ['Like Father, Like Son']/. Nancy Mace [Will she marry a dictator?]/. Liz ''Hoaxing'' Cheney [Like Father, like…: She voted with Trump 93 percent of her Congressional Career!]/. Mike ''Limbaugh on decaf'' Pence [OxyMoronic or Fake Coin Pence?/. Elon ''Apartheid'' Musk [The King of 'Corporate Welfare' in America del Norte!]/. Someone all the way from the 'Vaticano, La Capitale d’Roma', said to vote for the 'lesser of two evils', meaning Trump & the GOP/SPQR? Thanks but no thanks, Jorge ''Window Dresser'' Bergoglio/. All told: Suppress the aspirations of Donald ''Cattivo Uomo'' isn’t enough. No Republican candidate deserves a victory: The whole Republican Party deserves defeating in 2024 and beyond!!! Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
SORRY, but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it! And ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay!!! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté! ¡Viva La Libertad de Religión & Freedom from Religion! ♪♪♪We Shall Overcome All Religious Forces Around The World Peacefully♪♪ & ♪We Shall Overcome the Criminal and Brutal British/American Global Financial System Peacefully♪♪♪/. Viva the Last Best Hope for the entire World: The 'Citizen National Referendum 2024': 'Luck of the Draw Election System', [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus/Status Quo?]
LATEST BROKEN NEWS IN AMERICA del NORTE: The current President say to apologize for the 150-year Indian boarding school policy: Kill the Indian, Save the Man! What about Leonard Leo, is he going to apologize too? Hitler was Catholic too and never apologized nor was he excommunicated for whatever that is worth! We at queeslaverdad.com do not subscribe for reparations, we subscribe for total Restitution! Queeslaverdad.com is solely responsible for its content/.
10/29: As I watched some TV in Mosca’s home where I stay while I’m in the 'Yunites', otherwise you’ll find me in Sevilla my hometown and official residence, I, Felix Altamonte, came across with a old movie in TCM that practically without error prognosticated what was to become of the love for guns and weapons in America and sadly would expand worldwide [This is not who we are?]. At any rate [Some people, especially Republicans, still say: Well, it is necessary in order to be the World’s Policeman!], the name of the Movie is: ''Targets'', year 1968. American weaponry is responsible for the largest mayhem and killings at home and abroad in the last half century. In the Middle East is raining bombs all over and 85% are American Made [Jobs, jobs, jobs?]. Who to blame for it? Well, undoubtedly the 'Status Quo', and behind 'It' hides most heads of state around the World as well as billionaires and men of the cloth and these last ones include rabbis and mullahs. How sad is that this bombardment of the Middle East is closely tied up to the 2024 American Chaos: Who will be selected to be the next President of the U.S.A. The State of the World is bad news for 'Hollowood' because those that are fond of violent and bloody action flicks don’t need to go the cinema: They just have to watch the 'Broken News' of the World.
I HAVE RECEIVED a letter by mail from Sr. Mosca, a.k.a. the 'fly' on the Bible, with no return address and in it he’s prognosticating, and for me to share with all of you, dear sober and wise readers at queeslaverdad.com, the result of the 2024 Presidential outcome. First of all, let’s identify, as I see it, who’s Mosca for those that do not kown by now: To me, Felix Altamonte, Mosca is the original Trovatore, the 'lone voice in the cyberspace' for the last 15 year and in some instances prognosticating events that occurred. Prognostication is not prophesying, Mosca despise prophets of the day, they are all fake and malicious. All prophecies ended at the closing of the Book of Revelation and the last Prophet of God was Christ-Jesus. Prognostication is 'un derecho' of every person under the Sun and most are baseless, very few come to fruition. However, conspirations are as damaging as prophecies, there are both lies, and generally the one that proclaim a conspiracy is not just the conspirator but himself or herself is also the conspiracy. Case and point, Trump: The Deep State! He is, Trump, the Deep State and so on and so forth. Now, the Status Quo is real, is there and we called it here, at queeslaverdad.com, the Triumvirātus: Royalty, Courtiers [Politicians] and Clergy.
MOSCA’s S[E]election-Prognostication 2024: 'All hands on deck' or 'all options are on the table' like Trump (the consummate politician working in the shadow for the last 50 years) did in The Madison Square Garden as if it were a giant table presenting the greatest collection of deplorables in the History of Mankind'. But I digress: Here is Mosca’s open letter to America: ''Political disasters should not be part of living on the Earth. Today we’re looking at what could be the deadliest political disaster to ever occur. However, because of the people, the American people, such disaster will not occur. On the contrary, there is going to be such a ''Blue Wave'' inundating the land that not even Milton nor Hellene put together would surpass. It’ll cover the land from sea to shining sea and from above the fruited plain. Trump’s threat will be eliminated for good, indeed, for the good of the people and the Political party that housed Him and his Magadonian army will evaporate to oblivion''.
MOSCA’s S[E]election-Prognostication 2024 Part # Two: Here is Mosca’s open letter to America: ''All options are on the table', a preferable phrase of politicians: 'Death Heat'; 'The Race Death-Even'; The Polls [Big Media/Half] Neck & Neck': Don’t be fooled, people! Most likely it will be the neck of of many in the 'Big Media/Half' that is broken, just like in 'Broken News', for they are the ones that are promoting the 'Neck & Neck Bizness', but behold, the 'Great Blue Wave' this time around is gonna sweep and in many cases drown many in the Bizness''. Trump: “You can fool [and lie to] some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool [and lie to] all of the people all of the time.” -Abraham Lincoln-
MOSCA’s S[E]election-Prognostication 2024 Part # Three: Here is Mosca’s open letter to America: ''All options are on the table', a preferable phrase of politicians: ''Beware: When a Republican Politician proposes a new legislation, in most cases, he or she is up to no good, there is nothing noble in it. Case and point: Senator Brad Overcash proposed a Constitution Amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina. Why? He loves the 'Bizness of Purging the Voter Rolls' even when there is no need. Donald ''Bad Hombre'' Trump is a great teacher on that matter. I wonder how many times 'Bad Hombre' has watched the 'flick' “The Purge”, year 2013? Case and point: The Master of Disaster, Trump, was very please of how the night went at the Madison Square Garden when his proxies took the podium throwing 'red meat' to the Magadonians present, and they loved. A great number of those Magadonians were brought by bus to the Big Apple. How many, no one knows, but it will never be enough to stop the Great Blue Wave coming! ***** Dictator [The 'New Founding Father' Path Is Being Paved] or Democracy? ***** That’s the Choice 2024.
MOSCA’s S[E]election-Prognostication 2024, Last but not Least, Part # Four: Here is Mosca’s open letter to America [As it was in February 20, 1939, the old 'Madison Square Garden' became a 'floating island of garbage' for a day and similarly in October, 27, 2024, the new 'Madison Square Garden' became another 'floating island of garbage' for a day. What was missing in this last instance was the 'Paper Towels' with the added bonus of boxes of 'Tissue Paper': Cry, the Beloved Country]: ''All options are on the table', a preferable phrase of politicians: Now, our table size is wide, a very good sized table, where there is plenty of room to be inclusive, equanimous, in other words a big tent where the blue sky is the tarp and where there is no respecter of persons, where women and men find equality, yeah, indeed a great multitude, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, all American Citizens under the Sun. I say to all, 'amigos', not who to vote for, but rather who not to vote for. Yours: Mosca''.
MŪSICA & CANTŌ MAGISTRŌ: ♪♪♪TRY TO REMEMBER♪♪♪ ♪Try to remember the kind of September♪♪ ♪When life was slow and oh so mellow♪♪ ♪Try to remember the kind of September♪♪ ♪When grass was green and grain was yellow♪♪♪ ♪Try to remember the kind of September♪♪ ♪When you were a tender and callow fellow♪♪ ♪Try to remember, and if you remember♪♪ ♪Then follow (follow) follow (follow) follow...♪♪♪ ♪Try to remember when life was so tender♪♪ ♪That no one wept except the willow♪♪ ♪Try to remember when life was so tender♪♪ ♪That dreams were kept beside your pillow♪♪♪ ♪Try to remember when life was so tender♪♪ ♪That love was an ember about to billow♪♪ ♪Try to remember, and if you remember♪♪ ♪Then follow (follow) follow...♪♪♪ ♪(Follow...deep in December it's nice to remember♪♪ ♪Although you know the snow will follow♪♪ ♪Deep in December it's nice to remember♪♪ ♪Without a hurt the heart is hollow.)♪♪♪ ♪Deep in December it's nice to remember♪♪ ♪The fire of September that made us mellow♪♪ ♪Deep in December our hearts should remember♪♪ ♪And follow (follow) follow (follow) follow...♪♪♪/.
11/1/24: ''I HAVE A DREAM'' –Martin Luther King Jr.- Since August 28, 1963, the most well known reference to a dream in America First and then around the World was uttered. A wishful thinking of a Dream on the part of Martin Luther King Jr.? Not necessarily because it will come to fruition commencing on November 5, 2024. It took 61 years, but is better late than never: (*The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools).
¿''LOS SUEÑOS, SUEÑOS SON''? Is a school of thought stating that Dreams are Wishes; have you heard that? For years and years it’s been stated, more like selling, the ''American Dream'' but curiously the ones that have stated it the most were and still are the politicians. In other words, the politicians are the selling force of the ''American Dream'', and then again, why not when the ''American Dream'' has worked fine for them all along, to the point of becoming not just a wish but a reality. For a great number of Americans, and I dare to say, for most Americans it’s been a ''Nightmare'' experience, the American Experience.
NOW, let me talk about another 'Dream', that of the GOP: 'Once upon a time', not that long ago, there was a political party, the worst, the most pernicious and toxic, the most harmful and destructive with the name of 'Grand Old Party' who dreamed for the longest time to take America back to where America could be Great Again. And when was that? When America was White and ruled incontestably and one of the signs for all to see it now is 'Project 2024', and it is not a joke, the 'Grand Old Party' means it, though it is the 'Tip of the Iceberg', because if good and patriotic Americans would have not stopped it they would have gone as far as when only they, White Men, could vote. Meaning: The Blacks, the Asians, the Arabs, the Jews, the Spanish, the Natives, etc, and yeah, ''Women'', the latter one the most feared by the White Supremacist in the 'Grand Old Party' guided by Donald J. ''Garbage Truck'' Trump. Again, this 'Dream' of theirs is not a Joke, it should be taken very seriously, at least as the seriousness that the GOP, 'Grand Old Party' does. But the good news is that on November 5, 2024, it will be demonstrated and the very next day 'Its' funeral, the 'Grand Old Party' funeral, will be celebrated in America First and then Around the World!!!
MANY will not Vote, and who could they be in the broad Spectrum? Well: Many Arabs and Jews, and I don’t blame them. If I were one of them I’ll stay home as well. Then there are those that never vote, a huge number, though this time around it might change, Trump J. ''Garbage Truck'' could trump them to do so. Many of the independents, no-frills, might choose to stay home watching 'What a Wonderful World'. Latinos, some of them still thinking who not to vote for. And last but not least, Women, the greatest block of voters, they always are, but this time around some of them might surprise themselves, like a November surprise: In the privacy of the voting booth many wives and daughters of the White Supremacy Men a.k.a. 'Grand Old Party' and Maga/Magots will vote for the Woman running towards the White House, they’ll be singing: ♪Song sung blue♪♪ ♪Every woman knows one♪♪♪/.
SOFT LANDING: Well, folks, 'amigos todos', we have four days left but I’m confident that the ''Four Horsemen'' will not appear contrary to the distorted vision and wishes of the die hard American Evangelical components of the Maga/Magots/Grand Old Party driven, which is taking down, contrary to their wishes, the whole idea that Christendom/Christianity alone is the best alternative for the Nation (Any Nation by the way: Is like saying that Islam has been good for the people of Iran for the last four decades and by the way, Israel falls in the same category with Its Orthodox Judaism government as well) while pushing Trump J. ''Bad Hombre'' Donald to prove it. At any rate, this coming Tuesday early in the morning, November 5, 2024, I’ll be in my way to vote at the same voting place where Mosca has voted for the last 12 years, a Middle School down the road a block from Mosca’s home. One thing that always makes me sad when I drive pass the mentioned Middle School is that there is always a Police Car parked close to the entrance. I guess that it is necessary to protect the children, like in NCLB? After voting I will be heading to the Airport in my way to Sevilla, España, and I will be arriving just after the voting is over here in the 'Yunaites'.
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